What is the weirdest/best thing a food deliverer has ever experienced?

When I was in college, I delivered pizza for Domino’s to a local University. The girls dorm used to always request me. I used to think it was because I got the pizza there fast and hot, but one night it seemed that hot pizza wasn’t what they ordered. I delivered to room 212, a room that I had delivered to 2 other times that week. The cute blonde that lived in that dorm room was always friendly and always tipped well. This time, it was around midnight and my shift was about to end. She answered the door in a see-through night gown and paid for the pizza and then asked “Are you sure you can’t come in and have a piece?” I was young and stupid and thought she was talking about the pizza. Unfortunately, I had other pizzas to deliver. Then a couple of seconds later, it dawned on me what was going on here. I was a slow learner back then. I politely declined and finished my shift. I always wished that I had quit my job right there and enjoyed “a piece” with her… I am sure it would have been memorable.