How can I have a very simple and beautiful lifestyle?
Letting go of non-essentials so that you can joyfully embrace
what’s most important to you—that’s what it means to live a
“simply beautiful” life.Choosing simplicity involves clearing
away clutter that detracts from the true purpose and beauty
of your life. It means taking a fresh look at what you really
value, and making sure you’re spending your time, energy
and money to support your cherished goals.Voluntary
simplicity doesn’t necessarily mean a bare bones budget or
shunning the wonders of modern technology. It may mean
buying that new notebook computer so that you can spend
time writing under the pine trees at your uncle’s
cabin. It may mean splurging for the month-long overseas
trip you’ve been dreaming about for decades.
Since we all have different values, gifts, and dreams, our
ways of simplifying life will naturally represent a delightful
range of choices. There is no one right way; we
each must follow our passions, listen to our heart of hearts,
and create our own simply beautiful lifestyles.